IPL Skin Tightening

No more sagging jowls and no more loose turkey neck!

Why choose the IPL Skin Tightening Treatment?

As part the aging process, skin loses elasticity and begins to sag around the face, neck and under the chin. Our new non-invasive IPL skin tightening treatment rejuvenates and tightens with zero downtime and little discomfort. At All Things Vain Medi Spa, we take pride in offering the latest, most innovative treatments in medical esthetics. Science has made a breakthrough with the first, non-surgical, light-based dermal heating system approved by the FDA for lax skin and we are excited to introduce it to you.

IPL Skin Tightening Pricing

This treatment is an add-on and should be done with a 1 hour or 30 minute facial.

Single Session: $200

3-series $450


6-series $750

(only $125/each)-Best value!

IPL (Intense pulsed light) combined with RF (radio frequency) and IR (infrared) provides an effective all-natural approach to skin tightening without injections, surgery, or recovery time. Designed for deep dermal skin tightening on all skin types, our unique, patented hand piece was designed to create heat-induced collagen shrinkage, skin tightening and texture smoothing, refreshing the skin revealing a tighter, firmer, more youthful appearance. These sessions can be done as an add-on to all of your existing facial treatments so you are tightening and rejuvenating sagging skin regularly and consistently for maximum results. Client should expect some redness for 2-4 hours and see visible changes in tightness and texture as early as the second session. We recommend a series of 3 or 6 treatments 3-5 weeks apart.

Call All Things Vain Medi Spa to book your appointment today! (720-630-7790)